Saturday, 28 March 2015

New shirt and the closet-shrinking skirt!

Hey all!

So I finally got to photograph my petrol skirt I made a few weeks ago. We got a surprice snowfall the day before yesterday, which gracefully covered all the mud in our backyard. And that spells great lighting!

Since I finally found the shirt pattern of Win (Simplicity #2195), I wipped up another one last weekend, to wear with the skirt. I used the same fabric for this version as I did the first one. It's just some really cheap cotton canvas, which is great to work with and suits everyday clothing. The big plus for me is that it comes in so many lovely vibrant colors, and has no right and wrong side. Again, I picked one of "my recommended colors".

Sorry for the blurry photo.
I need a manned camera!

I love this new shirt, it turned out even better than the first, and now I don't have to dread making buttonholes anymore. Bertha is a champ with her automatic buttonhole function, and they come out perfect every time! Yay!

The skirt however, has fallen from grace. It seems to have shrunk in my closet. I could barely eek it on over the shirt! I haven't been running much the last few weeks, due to a ankle sprain that won't quite heal. It could be that I need a kick in the backside, so the darn skirt will fit again. I'm sure it will work out eventually.

On another note, I am in full swing with my Ceylon dress. The pattern is traced and cut, now on to the muslin! Oh, and EASTER BREAK IS HERE!!!!! Yeehaw!


  1. Så fine skjorter du lager. Fargen er kjempefin til deg! Påskeferie her også, hurra!

  2. I feel freezing just seeing all that snow! You must be used to it to be able to stand out in a skirt! I'd be wrapped up in 5000 layers for sure :P

    You've done a lovely job on the skirt though :) It looks great!

    1. Thanks! Yes, I guess I am used to the cold. I grew up above the Arctic circle :D It wasn't that cold, about 45F. Spring is coming :)

  3. That shirt looks great, it's a really nice colour on you :)

  4. What a gorgeous shirt, what a happy shade of blue, and I love the immaculate button holes wish I could trust my machine (its probably my fault really) to make such neat ones! :-)

  5. What a gorgeous shirt, what a happy shade of blue, and I love the immaculate button holes wish I could trust my machine (its probably my fault really) to make such neat ones! :-)

    1. Thanks, Wendy! I used to have the worst time making buttonholes, I thought it was me. But now I know it was my machine :)

  6. another great shirt (I'm checking out this pattern for my size now ;o) - looking forward to seeing that ceylon.

  7. Yes, get the pattern, it's great :)

  8. These colors are so pretty on you! That shirt looks great and I can see why you love the pattern. I'm sure you skirt will fit in no time - maybe it just shrunk up a bit in the wash ;-)

    1. Thanks Kristin! I wish I could say I washed the skirt..... but we can pretend :D

  9. Both pieces are great - really like your last one but the colour of this is exceptionally good on you. I know the feeling on the running front - knee been giving me some jip of late and oooo the wobbly bits soon take advantage.
