Thursday, 13 August 2015

Win, win!!

Hello all!

I bet you're all excited to know WHO won the first ever Pinhouse Give-away??

Yes yes, all shall be revealed! But first I want to thank each and every one of you who really got the whole idea of sharing warm memories. I wanted to give you all an opportunity to sit down, look back, and remember past times. Good times had with loved ones, fun times! Sometimes maybe we forget a little, and when being reminded to think back, memories reappear and bring smiles to our faces. I hope you all got smiles! Oh, and thank you all for the lovely birthday wishes ;)

My fondest birthday memory is of my 30th birthday. I had an aweful day, no friends or family around me, no plans, no cake, no party. Late in the afternoon, my mother called, like she always does on my birthday. I remember feeling so lost and sad, but after that phonecall my "sky brightened" and I felt.. well, loved and appreciated. (And then of course, I had a cry because we were so far apart...)
I guess you could say it was a day of mixed feelings, but mums know how to make it end well :)
It meant very much to me, and it still does. Love you, mamma!

I really enjoyed all your stories, too! Lots of lovely memories. Thank you again for sharing.

So, without any further ado, here are our two winners!

Suna and Angela !!!! Yay!

Fabulous winning ladies; if you could please email me your details (, I will pop your goodies in the mail very shortly. You will both recieve fabric, and a little surprice ;)

To all the rest of you, if you haven't already, go check out their blogs, they're great :)
And remember; we are all winners in the big scheme!

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